Step closer

Never know who you are?
Dirty thoughts, lies, and five minutes for sex. Where is your courage, boy? Where have you lost simplicity? You found this fucking world. No reasons, no friends. Some money, no home, no family.
Shut the door. Look into the past. There was the best time. Now, hearing his name the memories come back again.

Everyone ignores you. You don't need anyone. Shoot! This is a temptation. Keep silence. You are noticed. Alarm! Alarm! So, who will help you now? Nobody. "Fuck everyone" - it's not right. But you smashed enemy. Respect!

Think it over. Find the best moments in your life. Baby age? What about now? How would you help yourself if you can? No matter what you say. It's not you. This is your new soul. You bought it somewhere, too far from this place. Hypocrisy. Hypocrite is - your new style. Love is - your old mistake. Face - the same but eyes don't see. Don't see him.

You're the thief of your life. You wander searching for nothing. Type of hermit? Really, don't you need future? You have a little time to heal wounds. Now or never. I'm interested in your decision. You must draw your future. Oh, you can't draw? So, almost no one can. Humanity learns how to draw and you will learn. This is a hard work. Come on, try. Do it. I know you can.

Shut up. Stop crying. Tears won't help. All people make mistakes. Every one. Don't you remember: dirty thoughts, lie, and five minutes for sex? You want to come back to that? Drink coffee. Relax no reasons to cry. Just stand up and you are one step closer to the happiness.

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